3 Tips for Storing Your Seasonal Clothing

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Storing your seasonal clothing takes a little more forethought than simply tossing them in a bin then putting them away in the basement or under the bed. To make sure your clothes survive their hibernation period, follow these 3 tips after you have gotten then cleaned by a professional dry cleaner.

1. Store in Plastic Bins
Make sure to store your clothes in plastic bins and never put them in cardboard boxes. Otherwise, you are just inviting insects in for an appetizer before they reach the main meal: your clothes!

2. Don’t Vacuum Seal
Vacuum sealing your clothing may sound like a good idea, but your clothing does need to breathe. Compressing the fibers in your clothes can permanently warp and damage them.

3. Use Cedar Balls
Mothballs are commonly used to ward off bugs, but they can actually damage clothing and may be hazardous to humans. Instead of mothballs, which are typically made from naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene, use cedar, a natural way to repel moths.

Finally, make sure you don’t get an unwanted surprise when it’s time to rotate your seasonal clothing once again. Prevent stains and insects from ruining your clothes and keep them fresh by dry cleaning before storing them.