5 Most Common Shoe Problems and Solutions

hoes that feel as cozy as slippers in the store can become just the opposite after an evening out or a couple weeks of wear. And few stores allow customers to return worn shoes. The shoe’s material and construction could be the problem, or it could be fit. “Sizes in even the most expensive shoes don’t accommodate individual lengths and widths of feet,” says Linda O’Keefe, author of Shoes: A Celebration of Pumps, Sandals, Slippers and More. Rather than burying the pair in the back of your closet, check out these 5 fixes for the most common is shoes.

 1. Too Tight Straps

While many leather straps stretch with wear, you can shorten the breaking-in process with water. H2O can gently stretch leather, molding it to the shape of your foot, says Meghan Cleary, author of Shoe Are You? Before you wear shoes out the first time, spritz them with “a light spray of plain water,” she says. “Wear them around until dry.”

 2. Blisters

These are most likely to crop up on the bottoms of feet because of friction between your feet’s soles and the shoe’s. To avoid blisters, line each shoe with moleskin foam, which creates a cushion. The padding absorbs friction with a layer of cotton over the foam. “Adhere it to the inside of each shoe before the first time you wear them,” suggests Cleary.

 3. Arch Pain

Shoes that cause this likely don’t provide enough support in the middle of your foot. Stick to brands known for supportive kicks, including Cole Haan, Clarks and Onex, suggests Kimberly Ade, a stylist at Keri Blair Image Experts in Denver. Or at the very least, “opt for wedges instead of skinny heels,” she says. Wedges distribute weight away from the ball of your foot and more evenly throughout the shoe. And when you wear heels, choose ones that are shorter than three inches, adds Ade. But if most shoes make your arches ache, orthotics, custom-fitted shoe inserts from a podiatrist, may help…for a price. They can set you back $800.

 4. Sweaty Feet

Too-small shoes can heat up your tootsies and cause blisters. To get a better fit, “only buy shoes at the end of the day when your feet may be swollen and tired,” suggests O’Keefe. Even if the shoe fits, the material may turn up the temperature. Save patent leather and rubber for colder times of year, and opt for breathable canvas and natural leather in warmer weather. And if you’re wearing socks, choose cotton ones, rather than those with artificial fabrics, to absorb sweat. One more trick: Cleary recommends sprinkling baby or shoe deodorizing powder in shoes before wearing them to soak up moisture while they’re on your feet.

 5. Cuts on the Back of Your Heels

Shoes that dig into your skin can be some of the most painful to wear. While you may think they’re too snug, the problem is more likely that they’re too big. Overly spacious shoes let feet shift around and are the biggest reason for cuts, says Ade. Consider taping heel pads into the back of your shoes. The cushion “prevents your heel from moving in and out of the shoe and skin from getting cut,” Ade explains.

Culled from http://www.womansday.com/

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