Here are 3 Reasons Why You should Dry Clean Your Clothing Before Storing Them


Most people clean their house from time to time and freshen it up, if you think it’s only your house that need that kind of attention you might be wrong. How about your wardrobe? There are certain cloths you usually put away for a long time for example those heavy sweaters, wool coats when rainy season has gone and hot weather is here or those ceremonial clothes that you only wear few times a year.

Before you store these clothes away in your wardrobe and from time to time, you need to give them to a professional dry cleaner to take care of them. You must be wondering why you have to do that since you won’t be wearing them for a longtime? Let take a look at 3 reasons why you should.

1. Prevent Permanent Stains and Discoloration
You may think the clothing you have put away is clean, especially if you rarely wore them but you might be surprised by a stain when it’s time to wear them. Professional dry cleaners can completely remove stains or any unseen particles that can cause discoloration, hence the reason why you should give your clothes to be professionally cleaned before storage.

2. Avoid Insect Infestation
If your clothes are not properly cleaned, little critters and other insects can become a serious problem. Even when you shake them out, uncleaned clothing can easily attract and become hideout for large insects such as cockroaches or bugs. These insects can eat their way through your favorite clothes or leave stains that might be difficult to remove.

3. Keep Your Clothes Smelling Fresh
Storing clothing that has not been cleaned only causes any existing smell to grow stronger. Sweat, dust and other natural smell can settle in your clothes and if they are not removed before you store away, the affected clothing will start smelling stale after months in the closet. Give you clothes to professional dry cleaners to clean and give a fresh smell.
