How to Machine Wash Linen in 5 Steps


Linen is a breathable fabric made from natural flax fibres, often combined with cotton to produce garments, table dressings, and sheets. Of course, like any natural fabric, linen has the potential to get damaged in your washing machine.

To avoid shrinking and creating wrinkles, here are 5 steps you should follow when machine washing your linen garment.

  • Wash linens separately from your regular clothes, giving them lots of space to move around in the machine. If you cram in too many clothes at once you will increase the likelihood of creasing.
  • Wash linen on a medium to cool water cycle. Check the care label of your linen garment to find out the maximum water temperature recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Use a good quality detergent for stain removal. Always check the safety and usage instructions on the label and test products on a discreet part of clothing before using on the entire garment.
  • Choose a gentle cycle such as one designed for wool. Gentle cycles usually include a soak at the beginning followed by a short wash to minimize agitation in the drum (which can lead to shrinkage).
  • Line dry immediately. If linen is left to sit in the machine it’s more likely to get creased. Avoid using the dryer as this will set wrinkles in place and may even shrink the fabric.